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Collecting school fees with plastic bottles, plastic bags, the school changed the whole town.

Instead of paying tuition, students at Akshar School, Assam, India, take plastic waste from home to school.

students in the queue

Each week, they just need to bring about 25 pieces of plastic garbage to the school to "pay" the tuition, from plastic bottles to plastic bags ...

students writing

At secondary school, the curriculum will include carpentry, embroidery, recycling, photography and even a solar technician course.

Students holding an environmentally friendly solar panel

Senior students are encouraged to teach juniors what they know, and are paid by the school.

They also earned money by working for the school's Recycling Center after school.

students collecting bottles

They are taught to sort garbage, and squeeze plastic bottles into "" ecological bricks "".

students collecting bottles

This plant is built from around 200 plastic bottles and 4,000 plastic bags (about half of which cannot be recycled).

 plant built from around 200 plastic bottles and 4,000 plastic bags

The school also teaches students and parents the harmful effects of plastic.

Men carrying garbage bags

Founding this unique school is Mazin Mukhtar and his wife, Parmita. According to Parmita, many parents in the area often burn plastic for heating and they were shocked to learn about the harmful effects of this on their children's health and themselves.

A man and his wife take a selfie

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